Tinned Fruit Coupe-ability Breeds Success

One of Farmer Brassica's natural concerns is the weather and how his farm  can cope with the increasingly wild weather events thrown his way and still produce vitamin rich cash crops. With this in mind, and taking into account the popularity of tinned fruit Bart has set out to develop his own line of  specially bred fruit that is not tinned but fibre-glassed. Due to certain economies of scale the fruit has to be rather oversize, and somewhat unnatural looking. Exterior wise it is tougher than tin and looks, at least to Bart, reasonably appealing. Mavis Eggwhistle, who has said she would not so much as attempt to peel one of the grapes in case her arms fell off again, has said Bart would be better using them as a tourist attraction - The World's Largest Fruit Coupe . Now Bart is trying to sell this postcard of him for 50cents apiece and Mavis has reluctantly agreed to stock them at The Whistle Stoppe Floriste Shoppe, though she says she meant  laughing stock.

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