Boatique-ing: In the Ponderings - Episode 1

What with his busy farm life, Bart is something of a stranger to relaxation, and has taken to saying he lives a 365/24/7 life.   A while ago Bart heard about the benefits of mediatation and floatation tanks. Working on a theory that any investment in mediation would be good for farm productivity, his thoughts turned to rigging up a Floatation/Mediatation Event in the farm pond. As Bart can neither swim, or even float due to his peculiar PVC physiology, he borrowed a dinghy from Frank Winkler as floatation aid to what he calls 'his pathway to enlightenment' and got Frank to push him out into the pond.  The question is now, how will Bart, who has been out in thepond pondering for a whole day, get back to shore?

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